Trace Me

DeviceSimplePack 1.4 and newer or SimplePack Plus
Use casesImagine a luggage. You don’t care about position while in move but once it gets stationery for prolonged period of time. It sends a message while being in still for defined period of time and then again when it starts to move.

After departure delay (arming) detection starts. Arming can be reported (API5). If object doesn’t move for Arrival delay Stop notification is sent and downlink can be requested. The device stops reacting for Sleep time interval. If the device starts to move again an Alarm is sent and the device starts detecting stillness again.

Recommended subscription planChoose the best subscription plan based on tracing frequency and how often will you need to update device settings.

  • SILVER+ with GEO location, 50 messages and 1downlink per day
  • GOLD+ with GEO location, 100 messages and 2 downlinka per day
  • PLATINUM+ with GEO location, 140 messages and 4downlinks per day

Limits on number of messages are checked against monthly average.

Specific settingsFor this device mode, you can set:

  • On/off LED diode (for energy savings)
  • Force/keep operational status (arm/disarm)
  • Remote device update on heartbeat
  • Heartbeat period [hours]
  • Message departure delay [seconds] – time after arming, when movement is not detected. This lets you finish manipulation after arming device by button press.
  • Movement sensitivity
  • Sleep time [minutes] after the message has been sent
  • Arrival delay [minutes]. Time from when the device stopped moving. After this time a message is sent to inform you that your device is not moving yet.
  • Tracing interval [minutes]
ActivationFirst, complete registration of your device at I/O Frog and then activate SimplePack using extra long press (about 10s). LED diode starts rapid blinking. When blinking stops, device is activated and connected to network.

If you change any device parameter in application, this new setup has to be also transferred to device. Application itself cannot force device to download new settings, only the device can initiate it. After updating new parameters, please, update your device by extra long press (about 10s) or via heartbeat forced downlink. Successful loading is confirmed by LED diode for several seconds.

After activation or mode change, arm your device by pressing the button or you can force arming with downlink (using force/keep operational status parameter).

AlertsDevice send these messages via I/O Frog:

  • Arming
  • Movement detected
  • Moving!
  • Stopped
  • Device setting confirmed / failed
  • Heartbeat
  • GEO location (in case it is included in your subscription plan)
DeactivationUsing a switch on device dashboard followed by downlink (extra long press (about 10s) or forced by heartbeat).



Long-lasting (10 years with daily heartbeat)





